

Dr. 段琛,助理教授 生物学 at the 十大玩彩信誉平台, 被判了40美元,000 grant by the USDA and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries to study a soil-based bacterium that causes wilt in crops such as tomatoes, 辣椒和土豆.  data-lightbox =“特色”
Dr. 段琛,助理教授 生物学 at the 十大玩彩信誉平台, 被判了40美元,000 grant by the USDA and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries to study a soil-based bacterium that causes wilt in crops such as tomatoes, 辣椒和土豆.

Dr. 段琛,助理教授 生物学 十大玩彩信誉平台的教授描述道 Ralstonia solananacearum 就像植物病原体世界里的超级反派.

The soil-based bacterium causes wilt in crops such as tomatoes, 辣椒和土豆. Scientists around the world have been studying it for years, but so far it’s been 很难根除病原体.

“这是一种重要的疾病,”Tran说. “它损害了各种各样的作物. 不只是 我们吃这些,但也吃花. 一旦它在那里,你就无法摆脱它. So 轮作基本上不起作用. 农民会放弃一块地,当他们 得了细菌性枯萎病.

Ralstonia 在每个大洲的每个地方都是相关的. 从亚洲和非洲到北方和 南美. If we’re not careful, it can get out and destroy other plants, and 没有有效的方法来控制它们. Ralstonia 能在水里生活几十年吗.”

This year, Tran 被判了40美元,000 grant to study the genetic diversity of Ralstonia by the USDA and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries. 

He was also part of an international team that published a recent article in Plant Physiology, a leading research journal 在 field of plant 生物学. 他为 这项研究的重点是 黄campetris, a bacterium that causes black rot in crucifers such as cabbage and lettuce. 

Dr. Kelly Major, interim chair for the Department of Biology at the University of 他赞扬了他的研究和与学生的合作.   

“Dr. Tran’s expertise is 在 molecular and biochemical aspects of plant pathology,” 主要说. “Specifically, he has been using novel microscopic and molecular approaches toward understanding how plants and plant membranes interact with both pathogenic 有益微生物. 他的工作很及时,也很有趣,尤其是在这里 in Alabama, where agriculture is such an important sector of the economy. 此外, his work has attracted the interest of undergraduate 还有研究生 alike. He offers USA 生物学 students authentic, invaluable research experience at the lab 这对培养我们未来的科学家至关重要.”

Tran earned a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology from the Ho Chi Minh City University 科学的. He earned a Vietnam Education Foundation fellowship to pursue a Ph.D. 在威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校攻读植物病理学. 然后他花了五年时间 as a research fellow at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. 2021年,他 接受了十大玩彩信誉平台的教职.

In his Plant-Microbe Interactions 研究 Group at 南, Tran has 10 undergraduate 还有研究生. 他希望能以激励自己的方式激励他们. 他的前 学生和他指导过的人包括博士.D. 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的候选人, lecturers at the University 科学的 in Vietnam, graduate students at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and a postdoctoral researcher at the Tokyo University of Agriculture 和技术.

The main focus of his 南 lab is the intersection of plant immunity and bacterial 发病机理. 研究 looks at how plant membrane composition effects surface immune receptors in plants, as well as how bacterial virulence factors compromise plant defense 通过干扰膜动力学.

Tran还与Dr. 乔纳森·奥迪亚是微生物学和免疫学教授 在 弗雷德里克·P. 惠登医学院 to study plant interaction with the foodborne pathogen Salmonella enterica. 

为他的 Ralstonia 在研究中,Tran使用的是普通的罗马番茄和邦尼最佳番茄. 每年他都会举办 a research presentation for Mobile middle school students when they comes to 南 查看“GEMS:探索数学和科学”!”

Using a popular fruit helps students understand what he’s describing. 他们认识到 来自花园和后院的幼苗. 

“谁不喜欢西红柿呢??Tran问道。. “我通常只是把它们放在汤里煮或吃 它们放在三明治上.”


